How to sew a french seam is a quick, easy way to finish your projects. Find out how to create a french seam for your next sewing project.
What Are French Seams?
French Seams are a type of sewn finishing that encases raw edges inside. These seams provide durability and can be used to create items with appealing looks both outside and on the inside, making them an excellent choice for any project you’re working on!
How To Sew A French Seam
Equipment / Tools
- Fabric
- Thread
1. Determine Your Seam Allowance
To find the seam allowance for your first sewing task, look where it says “seam allowances” and subtract 2/8 of an inch. (So if you’re making a skirt with ¾”, then only use ⅜”-the perfect size!) This will be what we need to get started on this project!
Pro Tip: If you don’t want to do the math, then just line up your presser foot with whatever seam allowance is called for in the pattern. Most machines have ¼ inch as an option so that will work fine!
2. Pin & Sew Your Seam
Pin your fabric wrong sides together and place under the presser foot at a ¼” seam allowance (or whatever number you calculated in step 1). Sew along both long edges, leaving an opening for turning.
3. Trim Seam Allowance
Trim the seam allowance down to ⅛”.
Pro Tip: If you are working with lightweight fabrics that easily shift (hi, chiffon), pin a point on your garment so it’s easier for trimming close to stitches; this will give an even more delicate end product!
4. Press The Seam
To make a seam, simply open it with the right side facing up. Set your iron so that you are using heat for different fabrics and press down smoothly in one tight motion – or just do both if needed!
5. Prepare To Sew The Second Stitch Line
To make a right-side seam, fold the fabric on itself with both sides matching up. Make sure that there isn’t any sort of twist in between and press it flat before sewing together to create an even finish all around; this will help avoid unnecessary wrinkles when wearing!
6. Pin The Second Seam
Once you have stitched your piece together, pin it on the stitching line if needed. As experience increases and mistakes are made less often then there’s no longer any need for this step- just skip to sewing!
7. Sew Second Seam
The seam should be sewn under the presser foot. The number you calculate in step 1 is what’s used for this sewing technique, so make sure it equals your desired finished product size before continuing on with Step 2!
For example: If we want our project seams to come out at ⅜”, then sew them 2/8″ or ¼”.
8. Press Again
Turn your fabric over and press one more time on the right side.

Robert Patricia
Robert Patricia is a data analytic and content creator. He has worked extensively with large data sets to glean insights for both public and private sector clients. He has used this knowledge to create compelling content for brands across the internet. Albert also enjoys creating content for websites and social media. He is an expert at creating catchy headlines and understands how to capture the attention of readers.