Need to get your needle threaded but don’t have a clunky threader? No worries, you can use a simple plastic needle threader to do the job. Here are the basics.
It is not the easiest job in the world because you have to sweat it out and make some mental calculations on how to pass a thread through an eye of a needle.
However, with time, patience, and practice anyone can learn this skill. Whether using a sewing machine or old school method which still has its advantages – passing threads can be much easier for those who know how to use needles threaded by professionals!
What is a Needle Threader?
A needle threader is a small handled tool that’s primarily used for passing a thread through the eye of needles.
It usually comes with one loop, which you can use to guide your threads into the hole on either end of a sewing needle so they don’t get tangled up and lost in between stitches.
Variations include metal handles or plastic loops, but whichever type you go for make sure it has both an opening at each end – stitching otherwise becomes impossible!
In some other cases, you may find a needle threader that combines a short length of fine wire.
This type usually has one corner held by plastic or tinplate and can be used for both thin needles with thick threads as well as thicker ones with thinner strings.
For your next DIY project, check out the 6-piece kit from Tulip Needle which includes everything you might require!
Common Types of Needle Threaders
As you must have deduced from the explanation above, there are different types of needle threaders. The one you decide to use depends on your mastery of using it to pass a thread into the eye of a needle.
Simple metal versions are most common and usually, just run along threads without cutting them for their use when they get passed through an eye successfully as well as those that come with additional features like scissors or lights which make this task more efficient and bearable!
Needle threaders come in various forms, including yarn needle threaders and automatic ones. You can purchase them online for convenience when working on sewing projects like the 24-piece kit which comes with lots of helpful accessories.
How To Use A Plastic Needle Threader: Step By Step Guide
Threading a needle can be difficult. You may spend hours trying to pass the thread through and then it ends up as an ugly mess, but that doesn’t have to happen with this handy little device! With these steps you’ll make quick work of your stitching:
Tools Required
To make your sewing kit a success, it is important to know what you need beforehand. The needle threader has saved many sewers from frustration and headaches when they can’t seem to get the needle through their fabric without breaking any of the threads!
Step #1: Load the Threader
The first thing you need to know is that needle threaders are not needles. You don’t get the yarn threaded through them- rather, they’re for loading your needle with a length of string or linen before it goes in and out of fabric.
This can be tricky until you practice enough times on what works best for how your hands work (though righties often use their left hand). But once those threads become second nature, getting started will feel like an easier process than ever before!
Step #2: Insert the Threader on the Needle
Insert the wire threader loop through the eye of your needle with a light touch. Make sure that you push it until its resting place is right next to where it started, not in front or behind your work surface.
Step #3: Guide and Secure a Grip on the Thread
You can now guide the end of the thread through a loop, which will help you get your needle threaded. You’ll want to anchor it in place before guiding and pulling around it with care so that doesn’t loosen or fall off again!
Then double this over on itself for security – gather both ends into one hand between forefinger and thumb as shown below:
Step #4: Thread the Needle
Precision and patience are needed, so you don’t miss the target. You can start threading the needle onto the needle threader by pulling free of the loose end of your thread with a loop on it to get started.
The needled is already at the base of this tool while its wire loop has some distance from where we want to work out our string; meaning that before anything else, we have to gently tug it until it works out off wire loops for better placement purposes.
Step #5: Unwind the Spool
Step #6: Knot the Thread
Knotting the thread does a great deal of job preventing it from rolling off the needle when sewing.
But, how can you do so without getting distracted? The first thing to consider is whether or not you want a single strand for your stitching; if yes, all that’s needed is tying up loose ends using knots until they are firm enough (multiple times).
But in case you intend on double-knotting them together and don’t care about excess threads after snipping off the spool – just tie one knot at the start end of each hole where fingers will go through then pull both strings tightly around the opposite ways.
Step #7: Continue Folding the Thread
When you are stitching something, it is important to remember that the last stitch needs all of your attention.
This may mean folding or rolling back one end of the thread and doubling over it again in order for there not to be any loose ends being seen when finished with the project.
The Work is Not Over – Keep Practicing
Do not make the mistake of taking a needle threader to be just an object that can be used whenever you want it. Instead, start making conscious efforts to practice how to thread needles with this useful tool!
Final Thoughts
You can use a needle threader to make your life easier by quickly and easily passing the thread through the eye of a needle. When you want to stitch up clothes, this tool comes in handy because it is quick, easy, and painless.

Robert Patricia
Robert Patricia is a data analytic and content creator. He has worked extensively with large data sets to glean insights for both public and private sector clients. He has used this knowledge to create compelling content for brands across the internet. Albert also enjoys creating content for websites and social media. He is an expert at creating catchy headlines and understands how to capture the attention of readers.